Sportsmanship Award Winners Archive
The 2016 Sportsmanship Award was given to the following team:
- Barnegat High School
- Brick Township High School
- Delaware Valley High School
The 2015 Sportsmanship Award was given to the following team:
The 2014 Sportsmanship Award was given to the following team:
- David Brearley High School
- St. John Vianney High School
The 2013 Sportsmanship Award was given to the following team:
The 2012 Sportsmanship Award was given to the following team:
- Monroe Township High School
- Hunterdon Central High School
The 2011 Sportsmanship Award was given to the following team:
- Point Pleasant Boro High School
The 2010 Sportsmanship Award was given to the following team:
- David Brearley High School
The 2009 Sportsmanship Award was given to the following teams:
- Wood-Ridge HS
- Monsignor Donovan HS
- Saddle Brook HS
The 2008 Sportsmanship Award was given to the following teams:
- Burlington Twp HS
- David Brearley HS
- Florence HS
- Pinelands HS
The 2007 Sportsmanship Award was given to the following teams:
- Bishop Ahr HS
- Bridgewater-Raritan HS
- Burlington Twp HS
- Florence HS
- Montogomery HS
- Pinelands HS
- Rahway HS
- Willingboro HS
All schools are encouraged to participate. Thank you for your participation in recognizing exceptional teams in New Jersey who display outstanding sportsmanship.
Please mail nomination form to:
Judy Gilberti
300 Compass Court
Neptune, NJ 07753
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