Section 1: |
The name of this organization shall be the New Jersey Cheer and Dance Coaches Association, Inc.
Section 1: |
The purpose of this organization shall be to form a liaison between school (i.e. principals, presidents, athletic directors) and coaches for support of cheerleading and dance activities; to standardize cheerleading and dance guidelines and safely regulations throughout the state; to promote the recognition of cheerleading and dance ; to provide information, guidance, support, and training to the coaches within the state; to encourage membership to include coaches and advisors from all New Jersey schools and organizations; to host an annual New Jersey State Cheerleading and Dance Championship; to recognize individuals based on skills, and award scholarships based on academics as well a school and community involvement; with future plans to implement and regulate a State Judging Certification Program.
Section 1: |
School membership is open to any school (grammar, junior high/middle, secondary, and college) that has a cheerleading or dance program or is interested in starting a cheerleading or dance program.
Section 2: |
Individual membership is open to any individual interested in the further promotion of the purpose of this organization.
Section 3: |
Dues shall be paid by schools and individuals.
Section 4: |
Membership shall be on an annual basis.
Section 5: |
School and individual membership entitles each school and individual to benefits outlined annually on the membership application; and individuals to "one" vote on matters before NJCDCA.
Section 6: |
Dues shall be sent to the Membership Chairperson annually.
Section 1: |
General membership meetings shall be held twice a year. One meeting may coincide with an Annual Coaches Conference. |
Section 2: |
Committee meetings shall be scheduled when deemed necessary by the committee members. |
Section 3: |
Voting at all meetings shall be by the majority vote (50% + 1) of all ballots cast by members in good standing. |
Section 4: |
The President/Committee Chairperson shall have the authority to call special meetings for all matters they deem necessary. |
Section 5: |
Members shall be notified of the time and location of meetings and events pertaining to the organization.
Section 1: |
The officers of this organization shall consist of the immediate Past-President, President, 1st Vice-President, 2nd Vice-President/Treasurer, Corresponding Secretary, Recording Secretary, State Competition Director, State Competition Co-Director, Membership Director, Scholarship Co-Directors, All-State Team Director, and Founding Advisory Members. These officers shall constitute the Executive Board. Regional Representatives shall be appointed by the Executive Board, with a maximum representation of 8 Regional Representatives.
Section 2: |
The Past-President shall advise the President elect and oversee the transition to the elected board. He/she shall serve as chairperson of the Nominating Committee.
Section 3: |
The President shall preside at meetings; assume full responsibility for the operation of the organization; appoint committees as needed; see to it that the personnel are properly briefed on all phases of the rules, regulations, and policies of the NJCDCA ; serve as ex officio of all committees; act as liaison to other organizations pertinent to the advancement of cheerleading and dance within the state of New Jersey; and perform all duties incidental; to his/her office.
Section 4: |
The 1st Vice-President shall act in the absence of the President, carry out such duties and assignments as may be delegated by the President.
Section 5: |
The 2nd Vice-President/Treasurer shall pay all obligations; oversee the collection of monies; sign checks and withdrawals drawn on the treasury; maintain books, ledgers, and financial statements; present a written report at the end of the fiscal year. The books shall be inspected once each year by a qualified accountant.
Section 6: |
The Recording Secretary shall record the minutes of the meetings and send them to the Membership before the next General Membership Meeting; shall record the minutes of the Executive Board Meetings and send them to the Executive Board before the next scheduled meeting.
Section 7: |
The Corresponding Secretary shall communicate with the Membership as necessary; carry out such duties and assignments as may be delegated by the President.
Section 8: |
The State Competition Director shall organize an annual New Jersey Cheerleading and Dance State Championship ; shall inform participants of all rules and regulations; and shall present a budget for the championship to the Executive Committee.
Section 9: |
The State Competition Co-Director shall assist the Director in all matters as necessary.
Section 10: |
The Membership Director shall keep track of all membership to the association by submitting a copy of individual and school membership to the Executive Board by January 1 st ; shall notify schools/individuals to renew their membership annually; and collect dues.
Section 11: |
The Scholarship Co-Directors shall prepare and distribute information regarding the available scholarships. Duties include: updating the application form as necessary, mailing of applications on request to interested individuals, selecting a qualified Scholarship Committee for screening applications and final selections, establishing criteria for selection, and notifying recipients so they will be available to accept their awards.
Section 12: |
The All-State Team Director shall be responsible for selection of the All-State Cheer and Dance Team. Duties include establishing criteria for selection, updating the application form , selecting a committee to judge performances, and notification of winners.
Section 13: |
Education/Conference Director shall chair the annual conference; plan and implement all educational programs.
Section 14: |
Education/Conference Co-Director shall assist the Director in all matters as necessary.
Section 15: |
The Founding Advisory Members shall assist and advise the Board in all matters as necessary.
Section 16: |
In the event of a vacancy in any office, except that of President, the President shall appoint, with approval of the Executive Board , a qualified member to fulfill the unexpired term.
Section 17: |
In the event of a vacancy in the office of President, the 1st Vice-President shall fulfill the unexpired term.
Section 18: |
All resignation of the Officers must be submitted in writing to the President.
Section 1: |
Any candidate for office must be a member in good standing, who has actively contributed to the endeavors of the NJCDCA.
Section 2: |
The Past President shall chair a Nominating Committee. The committee may recommend one or more names for each position.
Section 3: |
The Nominating Committee will make its recommendations at a general membership meeting. Nominations will also be accepted from the floor.
Section 4: |
The Past President or one of the Executive Board members who is not currently on the ballot will supervise the Election of Officers during the general membership meeting.
Section 5: |
The nominee who receives the majority vote (50% +1) will win the election. If a tie results, the President shall cast the deciding vote.
Section 6: |
Officers shall be elected every two years by the voting membership at the Spring Meeting and shall take office immediately following the elections. The President, and 1 st Vice President shall be elected in even years; all other officers shall be elected in odd years.
Section 7: |
Officers may serve no more than two consecutive terms in one position, unless no qualified member is willing to accept the position.
Section 1: |
The government of the NJCDCA shall be vested in the Executive Board consisting of the immediate Past President, President, 1st Vice-President, 2nd Vice-President/Treasurer, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, State Competition Director, State Competition Co-Director, Membership Director, Scholarship Director, All-State Team Director, and Education/Conference Director.
Section 2: |
The Executive Board shall have the power to act in cases of emergency and when felt to be in the best interest of the NJCDCA.
Section 3: |
Regional Representatives appointed by the Executive Board shall attend board meetings as voting Executive Board members, and act as liaisons for their respective geographic regions.
Section 4: |
Roberts Rules of Order (newly revised) shall govern the proceedings of all meetings of NJCDCA unless otherwise provided in these bylaws.
Section 5: |
NJCDCA members who have served 5 terms of office as voting members of the Executive Board shall be eligible to serve as voting, advisory members of the board.
Section 1: |
The fiscal year of the NJCDCA shall begin on May 1 and end on April 30.
Section 2: |
The Executive Board shall call for an inspection of the books of the NJCDCA to be made by a qualified accountant each year.
Section 3: |
No member of the NJCDCA shall contract any debt in the name of the NJCDCA without first receiving proper authority from the Executive Board.
Section 1: |
The bylaws of this organization may be amended by a majority vote (50% +1) of the members present at the membership meeting, provided a written copy of the proposed changes has been submitted to the Executive Board and the membership before the general membership meeting.
Section 2: |
The Executive Board shall provide copies of all of the bylaws and proposed amendments at the general membership meeting; they shall be discussed and voted on at that time.
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